Best Instagram Green Energy Blogs

The world changes to green and renewable energy, especially after the increasing threat of warmer ocean waters and the rapid meltdown of glaciers up north due to global warming. Energy is a necessity nowadays, whether industrial, commercial, or used for residential purposes. The trend towards green energy has increased as the world is being more optimistic towards a sustainable environmental footprint for the betterment of our future generations. That’s why more and more people follow green energy pages and activists. By the way, if you want to learn more about how to increase your Instagram followers, visit and maybe you’ll start a new green energy blog someday.

Like never before, green energy blogs are one of the most trending accounts on Instagram as they share knowledge about ways to save money by using clean energy compared to conventional energy needs. Hydropower electricity is now being replaced by solar, and wind energy as more and more people are willing to go off the grid and save their monthly electricity bills.

Social media, especially Instagram, is a trendsetter. Evermore, people are sharing their experiences when they switch to green energy inspiring many others to follow. Going off the grid breaks the chain of dependence on energy needs and provides independence as green energy provides self-sustainable energy that is viable and convenient for consumers.

Read moreBest Instagram Green Energy Blogs

5 Tips for Home Improvement Companies Getting Started on Social Media

If you are someone who has just gotten familiar with the concept of social media from a business’s point of view or you are someone who is working as an early project coordinator for a specific business or someone new to the world of social media in general, certain things must be kept in mind no matter what. The foremost thing to know is that no matter who you are or what you do if you are looking to make an impact with the use of social media, it is always good to start slow and start small, results will follow soon. Social media is extremely critical for every business nowadays. Not only does it give your company a set structure, but it also builds a delightful image of the brand. Also, social media platforms play a vital role in ensuring that the engagement and reach of the business increase with time, so using Instagram growth agency doesn’t sound strange yet.

Here are 5 of the most common tips and tricks that need to be taken into consideration if you are starting raw and fresh.

Focus on your audience

Read more5 Tips for Home Improvement Companies Getting Started on Social Media

Can you build your solar panels?

The exponential rise in the use of technology on a global scale is making way for numerous innovations. These innovations are going to change the way we do things and perceive things. Also, they have the potential to bring about many useful changes. One such technology is the use of solar panels to make electricity. Solar panels are getting popular all across the globe. It is because they are highly sustainable in operations and produce electricity enough to power big projects. The good news is that you can make your solar panels to create heat and save costs while benefiting the environment as well. If this sounds like something you are interested in, you are in the right place. We will tell you all about how you can make your solar panels easily.

Read moreCan you build your solar panels?

How Big Of A Wind Turbine Do You Need to Power a House?

home wind turbine

wind turbineThe exponential rise in the use of technology on a global scale is resulting in the creation of technologies that are changing the world for better. One of the most significant issues for the world today is the increasingly harmful impact of humans on the environment as a whole. One of the primary reasons behind such problems is the process of creating electricity. The traditional ways of generating electricity are harmful to the environment in many ways. To overcome these issues, many new ways of creating electricity more sustainably are emerging. One such method is the use of wind turbines. They can generate cheap electricity without harming the environment. What if we tell you that you can create your wind turbines to get unlimited free electricity? Read on, and by the time you reach the end of this article, you will know how to make your wind turbine to create electricity.


What is a wind turbine?

Firstly, you must know what a wind turbine is. Wind turbines render the use of strong winds to turn turbines which create electricity. Naturally, the bigger a wind turbine is, the higher is the electricity it produces. If you are looking to make your wind turbine, you must know about the right size to power your house.


Wind turbine needed to power a house

The size of the wind turbine that suits you is dependent on your needs. Turbines have a size distribution of 20 Watts -100 Kilowatts (kW). The small turbines are usually applicable for charging batteries for small appliances or vehicles that require minimal energy. However, the bigger turbines that range from 1-10 kW can be suitable for pumping water out of the ground. Wind energy has always been one of the primary sources to pump water out of the land. Even though mechanical turbines are a viable option for pumping out water in areas where wind is low, farmers are now shifting towards wind turbines because they are versatile, and they can double the pumping for the same amount of time.

energy wind

An average household usually consumes about 11,000 kWh of electricity annually. According to the local wind speed, a 15 kW wind turbine would be enough to provide the power for an average household. The information regarding how much energy the windmill can produce is available with the manufacturer or the supplier of the wind turbine. Moreover, the manufacturer can also tell you the maximum speed which the turbine can sustain without taking any damage.


Now that you know what a wind turbine is, how it operates, and which type of wind turbine you will need to power a house for a year, you can easily make an informed decision regarding which size of the wind turbine you should purchase. This way, you can easily save the different costs that you previously incurred due to the consumption of electricity. Now you have a free source of unlimited electricity!

Three Main Types of Solar Energy

Solar Energy

The rise in technology is paving the path of many new technologies that are making lives better. Such techniques are rapidly taking over the world. One such technology is solar energy. It is the process of producing electricity out of sunlight. Solar energy can be divided into many parts, but the three main types of solar energy that are most used are as follows:


Photovoltaic power

Photovoltaic power

This energy is created by photovoltaic panels that convert sunlight into electricity. This process is called photovoltaic because of the use of photovoltaic panels as collectors of sunlight. The process starts when the semiconductor material on these panels absorbs sunlight, which starts a reaction that generates electricity. In scientific terms, the solar energy received from sunlight breaks the electrons loose from their atoms, which makes them flow through the semiconductor material to produce electricity. In recent times PV cells have captured the market for small scale application of generating electricity. This method is widespread in residential areas. By using the photoelectric effect, the solar cell directly converts sunlight into electricity.


Concentrated Solar Energy

Solar Farm

This solar energy type uses mirrors to reflect a large amount of solar energy and focus it into a beam. That beam of light aims at a container or a large area is having water in it. The heat of the laser boils the water. The steam from the boiling water rotates the turbine, which activates the generator, which creates electricity. This process is currently being used on a large scale to produce massive amounts of power for a city or in some cases, for a whole state. The area in which they are set up is also called Solar parks or Solar Farms due to their colossal size and significant electricity generations. This method is being adopted by both developed and underdeveloped countries to meet their electricity needs


Solar thermal power

Solar thermal power or solar water heating type uses a thermal power collector to collect sunlight, small pipes are installed in these collectors. The energy the collectors received from the sun is stored in these collectors making those pipes, established in the collectors extremely hot. When water passes through these pipes the water heats up. This method is popular in those areas where they need hot water without using any other resource.


As the use of electricity is increasing day by day, solar energy is the need of the hour because it uses the most abundant source of energy, which is sunlight. This source of energy is readily available. Solar energy is used in other ways that can also help in managing sun heat in summers to make better homes for us to live in; Moreover, it can store sun heat to be used to heat water and control an inner building climate. The types of solar energy described above have massive potential in helping us in fulfilling our energy requirements. These methods are being used for residential and commercial purposes, which is a clear indicator of their potential.

What Is Solar Energy in Simple Words?

Solar Panel

Sun is the most significant source of energy in the world from the dawn of time. The heat and light received from the sun consist of electromagnetic radiations, including heat light and radio waves. All forms of energy (except Nuclear) ultimately comes from the sun.  It has been an integral part of our Eco-system, from helping plants in making their food to melting glaciers and fulfilling other nature’s requirements. With time man has found different ways to use this abundant source of power to fulfill its own needs. In ancient times people use magnifying glasses to create a beam that could make the wood catch fire. Still, with the passage of time and innovation in technology, the man produced machines that could convert this power of sunlight into other forms of energy.

Solar energy means the energy received directly or indirectly from the sun. The process of converting sunlight into useable energy like electricity is called the solar energy process. With the invention of the solar cell, which converts direct sunlight into electricity, solar energy finds a way into our daily life. These cells are consist of p-type silicon crystal and n-type ( semiconductor). These solar cells are used to power electronic devices such as pocket calculators. Solar energy has a vast scope; it is not only used for making electricity also for heating water, making buildings withstand the heat of sunlight. It has enormous potential because the majority of our population lives in those areas sunlight the majority of their time.


The solar energy process

solar energy process

To further understand the solar energy process, here is some basic example light radiation causes electrons to be released and creates a potential difference so current can flow between electrodes connected to the two crystals. All wavelengths are shorter than one micrometer can produce electrical energy. Cells convert c.10% sunlight into electrical energy. Another process of solar energy starts when a collector in the solar panel collects solar energy from the sun stores it into its backup after that a chemical reaction in the machine attached with the backup converts this stored power into electricity. In another case, the heat from the sunlight heats the pipes installed on the rooftop. After that water crosses from those pipes, the heat of the pipes changes the temperature of the water, making it hotter.


In a broader perspective, solar energy covers all aspects of using sunlight in different forms of applications using photovoltaic(PV) cells, solar heating, solar thermal energy, and artificial photosynthesize.

In other words, Solar energy includes all the methods from which man can harness the power of sunlight. The technology is contently evolving, not only increasing our energy needs but also introducing new ways to use solar energy. In the present time, techniques using solar energy are becoming an essential part of catering to our energy needs; many countries, both developed or underdeveloped, are shifting towards solar energy. The latest setups of solar energy power generation can provide electricity to a small city.

What is the minimum wind speed required for wind power generation?

wind turbine

It is no secret that human activities are leading to various issues for the environment as a whole. These activities are resulting in issues like climate change. It is a responsibility for all of us to play our part in making a change to shift towards more sustainable practices. But, what if you could save money by making a lasting change? We are talking about using wind turbines to produce electricity. You can easily create a wind turbine that will be enough to fulfill your domestic electricity needs. However, if you do not know the first thing about making wind turbines, do not panic. In this article, we will tell you how you can make a wind turbine to create free electricity in a highly sustainable fashion.

What is a wind turbine?

A wind turbine uses the energy in the wind to make electricity. The different blades of the fan turn to rotate a turbine. The blades are connected directly to a rotor. The rotor is then connected to a shaft. By operating on this simple mechanism, wind turbines create electricity.

Why a wind turbine?

There are scads of reasons why using wind turbines for creating electricity is a good option. The most impactful goal here is the high level of sustainability that is a part of the process. Also, you can significantly cut down the cost of the expenses by using wind turbines.

wind turbines

What is the minimum speed needed?

About 2% of the total resource of solar energy reaching the surface of the earth is converted into kinetic energy, which the wind holds. The function of wind turbines is that they use up the kinetic energy of the wind and change this into electricity without any harmful emissions to the environment. The division of wind throughout certain areas is quite mixed and uneven. Therefore, class 3 winds are the standard requirement for the wind turbine to produce energy. A class 3 wind has a speed of 14.3mph or 50m.

As it is evident from the facts above, high wind speeds can be beneficial in generating more electricity because the more the turbine rotates, the more energy it produces. Since wind turbines are easier to install and they also do not have any harmful emissions to the environment, governments are promoting their use so that electricity can be created through cleaner means. Farmers are also moving towards the trend of using wind turbines as an alternative to mechanical turbines because wind turbines can pump double the water with the same initial investment. A research study further says that about 20% of the electricity in the future will be generated through wind turbines.


Now that you are aware of how wind turbines can help generate electricity and what minimum wind speed they require to generate electricity, you can easily make an informed decision. You can also save significant levels of costs that you incurred previously due to the consumption of electricity.